Board Members


Welcome to our board members page, here you will find each board members position and contact information. Please feel free to reach out to a board member if it is something specific or you may also leave an email directly to the league at


Randy has been a part of the Desert Hot Springs Eagles since 2015. He has held various positions within our organization including Coach, Deputy Treasurer and current League President. Randy has been our League President since 2019. All four of his children have been part of our organization with two currently enrolled and two now in high school. 

Current Position: President

(909) 437-0975


Arnold has been part of this league for 5 years as a head coach & this will be my second year as Vice President of the league. 

Current Position: Vice President

Phone: 760-676-6858


Dr. Jason Moore started with the league as an assistant coach for the Junior B Team, who won the Super Bowl that year. He was then elected to the position of treasurer and has held that position for 6 years. My favorite thing about being treasurer is taking part in our annual fireworks fundraiser.

Current Position: Treasurer



Nani is a dedicated Board Member of the DHS Eagles football and Cheer League who has been part of the league since 2018 when her two older sons began playing, she started off as a football mom watching from the sidelines cheering her kids on since then a team a.d in 2019 along with becoming the league secretary as well.

Current Position: Secretary



Hi, my name is Kat and I have been apart of this amazing league since my son was 5 years old on tiny mites. Shortly after, in 2019 I became a committed board member and have been committed thus far. I have found great pleasure in working with the youth and becoming apart of their success stories, from seeing them struggle to learning the plays and seeing them reach their full potential. I am committed to this youth program and these kids. I care for each and every one of them on and off the field, and when I say field I mean the football field and any others sports they may be involved in. Our greatest goal is to see them develop into great young athletes. My favorite part of this program is that once they reach high-school I get to see them thrive in high school. 

Current Position: Chapter AD



Hi my name is Leroy Aleman. I am a father of 5 kids. I’m involved with two youth sports in the community football and baseball. I’ve been involved with football since my son was 5 years old. Started off as an assistant coach after that first year I decided to get on the board I became the commissioner and held that board position since 2019. Since I’ve been on the board I have done my best to help the youth program grow. I do this to keep myself busy and to give these kids an opportunity that I never had. 

Current Position: Commissioner



Monique Ramirez Cheer director, I been apart of league since 2015 as a football mom, moved to cheer mom in 2022 and became cheer director in 2024.

Current Position: Cheer Director



Hi, my name is Devin and I’m the league photographer, my daughter plays football for the junior team, and this will be our third year with the league. If you have any photo questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Current Position: League Photographer



My name is Esther Gonzalez I’m the Desert Hot Springs Eagles Trophy Coordinator. I have been with the organization for 7 seasons both as a parent and a volunteer. Being part of the DHS Eagles has helped not only myself but my kids develop communication, goal setting, and leadership skills. I’m proud to be a part of such a positive organization. 

Current Position: Trophy Coordinator



Christopher has been with the Eagles since 2021. My oldest son started DHS Eagles football in 2021. After witnessing all of the hard work and dedication the staff put into creating & maintaining this organization, I was inspired to help the staff and children in this community.

 Current Position:

 Deputy Commissioner



David is our Equipment Manager and a coach for DHS Eagles youth football and Cheer. I came into the league 2022 as a parent watching my son. In 2023 I took on a coaching role and I instantly connected with the staff of our organization and wanted to help grow the program in any way I could. To me the DHS Eagles are more than just football, everyone is family and I couldn’t be happier here. I believe in our coaches/staff and what we stand on and my goals as the Equipment Manager is to maintain a well-functioning inventory of equipment by ensuring its proper purchase, storage, maintenance, repair, and disposal, while prioritizing safety, cost-efficiency, and operational effectiveness.

Current Position: Equipment Manager

Contact: 760-835-7610


Hi my name is Emily Cisneros. I’m just fresh out of high school. But my family has always been apart of this youth program. Since all my siblings have been involved I wanted to do something to give back to the community so when I turned 18 I became snack bar coordinator. 

Current Position: Snack bar coordinator


Sponsorship/fundraiser coordinator

Claire started her football mom journey in 2021 when she received our league Commissioner award. In 2022 her daughter joined the Cheer Program and she became the Chapter’s Cheer Director. She currently has one child in the league and continues to support the league wherever she is needed. 

Current Position: Sponsorship/Fundraiser Coordinator

(661) 558-5565

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